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/ equipment

We invested in a special choice of products. Our motto is:

Efficient handling, reliability and quality is more important than marketing trends.

/ finally wireless

Everybody knows wireless microphones. To reduce set up times and to create completely new possibilites we go one step further.

Wireless LED-Lights, wireless Video(HDMI)-transmission, presenting of the mobile device. Everything is possible. Use it!

/ for the sake of our environment

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Especially at events, but also at installations the enviromental aspect gets not enough attention.

Through the use of high quality, reusable components and precise planning a lot of unnecessary waste can be avoided. 

We are open for using used gear. For sale or installation high quality used items are often more durable than lesser quality new ones.


Sadly nothing lasts forever. We take care of an environmentally friendly disposal.

For professional users here is our equipment and price list:

For professional users here is our equipment and price list:
Preisliste WLVT 11 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 526.9 KB